select site_id,user_id,user_name,user_email,
from ty_user
update ty_main set site_id=141 where site_id=124;
update ty_forum set site_id=141 where site_id=124;
update ty_user set site_id=141 where site_id=124;
update ty_log set site_id=141 where site_id=124;
update ty_act set site_id=141 where site_id=124;
update ty_tag set site_id=141 where site_id=124;
update ty_main set user_name=NewUseName where user_id=UserID;
update ty_post set user_name=NewUseName where user_id=UserID;
update ty_user set user_name=NewUseName where user_id=UserID;
update ty_log set user_name=NewUseName where user_id=UserID;
update ty_act set user_name=NewUseName where user_id=UserID;
update ty_tag set user_name=NewUseName where user_id=UserID;
select stat_date,count(*) from ty_stat
where site_id=141
and stat_date>'20230407'
group by stat_date
select count(*) from ty_stat
where site_id=141 and stat_date='20230410'
select stat_id,site_id,stat_date,stat_time,from_ip,from_lang,from_os,to_url,main_title
from ty_stat
where site_id=141
--and stat_id>=53368
and stat_date>'20230410'
order by stat_id desc limit 100;
select from_ip,ipqty from (
select from_ip,count(*) as ipqty from ty_stat where stat_date>'20230409' group by from_ip
) dd
where from_ip not in (select ip_adress from ty_iplib where ip_flag in (1,7))
order by ipqty desc;
update ty_main set main_tag=replace(main_tag, '读书无用论' , '大学无用论')
where main_tag like '%读书无用论%';
select tag_id,site_id,tag_name,data_flag from ty_tag
where tag_name='大学无用论';
update ty_tag set tag_name='大学无用论';
where tag_name='读书无用论';
update ty_main m set forum_alias=
(select forum_alias from ty_forum f where f.site_id=m.site_id and f.forum_id=m.forum_id)
where m.site_id=101;
update ty_main m set forum_name=
(select forum_name from ty_forum f where f.site_id=m.site_id and f.forum_id=m.forum_id)
where m.site_id=101;
update ty_main set forum_id=106,forum_name='杂记',forum_alias='other'
where forum_id=144;
update ty_post set forum_id=106 where forum_id=144;
update ty_tag set forum_id=106,forum_name='杂记'
where forum_id=144;
update ty_forum f set stat_main=
(select count(*) from ty_main m where f.forum_id=m.forum_id)
where f.site_id=101;
update ty_forum f set stat_reply=
(select count(*) from ty_post m where f.forum_id=m.forum_id and post_flag='0')
where f.site_id=101;
update ty_main set site_id=xxx,user_id=xxx,user_name='xxx',forum_id=xxx,forum_name='xxx',forum_alias='xxx'
where main_code='xxx';
update ty_post set user_id=xxx,user_name='xxx',forum_id=xxx
where main_id=(select main_id from ty_main where main_code='xxx');
update ty_log set site_id=xxx,user_id=xxx,user_name='xxx' where main_id=(select main_id from ty_main where main_code='xxx');
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原文鏈接:https://tdlib.com/am.php?t=jivo1W8Ebjr2 Tag: TYCMS 程序SQL